Utrecht Centre for

Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulation


The Utrecht Centre for Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulation is a collaboration between different organisations. Here, the website for these organisations are provided.

World Health Organisation

World Health Organization – Collaborating Centres

Regulatory Authorities

  • Netherlands – Medicines Evaluation Board, The Netherlands
  • Europe – European Medicines Agency, United Kingdom

Other organizations in the field

  • ANF – Associacco Nacional das Farmacias, Portugal
  • ATM Index – Access to Medicines index, The Netherlands
  • FIGON – The Netherlands Federation for Innovative Drug Research
  • ISOP – The International Society of Pharmacovigilance
  • ISPE – International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology
  • ISPOR– International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
  • PPRI – Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information, Austria
  • TI Pharma – Top Institute Pharma, The Netherlands