Utrecht Centre for

Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulation

The Utrecht Centre for Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulation is located at the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology of Utrecht University. Our mission is to conduct academic research at the interface of pharmacoepidemiology and policy analysis. We are also a platform for dialogue and learning and offer a professional PhD programme and advanced training opportunities to a global network of healthcare professionals, policy makers and regulatory experts.

PhD Programme

We offer an international high quality PhD-programme for professionals who are active in the field of pharmaceutical policy and regulation. PhDs who are enrolled in the programme combine academic research with public health practice and work on personally encountered policy issues.

Information on PhD Programme

Events and summer courses

Every year, a number of summer courses are organised by the centre on Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Pharmaceutical Policy Analysis and Pharmacoeconomics. To read more about these courses and enrolling, pleases enter here.

Upcoming events

Ongoing projects

Our professional PhDs and research staff work on various public health questions that are organised in three core themes: global health, regulatory science and governance.

Ongoing projects